Monday, November 15, 2010


it was Manny Pacquiao day, and I finished watching it before the rest of the Philippines did on GMA 7, so while the whole country is watching Pacquiao-Margarito, me and Marie went to Muji, drived upto Bonifacio High Street to see what's in store

I have encountered Muji travelling abroad, I have one laundry envelope that most of you have probably seen already, because I've used it countless times, it's very sturdy and reliable, good for a weekend getaway laundry.

the concept of the store is no brand quality goods. It's a gloomy day at high street, but we sort of managed to walk through

It's located at the top of the Gap flagship store,  in which they converted the old Gap space to Muji

the store was just fine, however I think it's a little bit bare, meaning almost everything was almost wiped out so there weren't any actually a lot to shop.

the store was a little small compared to the other Muji stores world wide, but sold essentials of Muji.

I liked this pair of shoes however my conscience said it was too mahal!

at this point a RUDE staff reprimanded me to take pictures, she approached me and said "sir, bawal mag take ng pictures kanina ko pa kayo tinitignan eh" so what do you expect boba! that by looking at me I can read your mind na bawal mag take ng pictures? if she told me na "sorry sir it's store policy ekek" it could've been a more pleasant experience. 

so putang ina nawalan na ako ng gana para sa Muji, they don't even have signs na bawal mag take ng pictures no! I would gladly follow if they had clear signages but no they don't have ok!, so fuck you rude staff from Muji I hope you die! 

so we continued to go around the store and try to find usable stuff and we actually did and wen't to the counter and paid, at the counter I asked the cashier if I can take pictures of the store in which she actually gladly allowed me too... I told her thank you that she was so nice! unlike the staff at the men's section and told her tell your manager to fire her! hahaha!

so here's a little more of the store from the cashier view

My loot

sadly there were no snacks and food sold I was looking forward to it, but it was sold out, I asked for their number for their next restocking. after which we roamed around high street and ate at Serendra

Block 7
Bonifacio High Street



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