Monday, January 3, 2011

Cafe 1771

so this happened 2010 pa wahahahaha! so backblogged but oh well here's a shot in 2011!!!

It was a raket day at Megamall and my duty was off, then bumped into Joyce and Bordy at the CR, they said they'll be having dinner with my good friend Meme and my Best Employee Cathy Jordan, and Lui, so i asked if I can come and gladly they said yes! so we met up then headed to El Pueblo. Cathy saw this cafe online in which she recommended to us, It's new to me, so why not give it a shot. It's brought by the Chateau 1771 group which also brought Sentro


Sunday, December 5, 2010


GD aka Grand Duty, this is the day in which the last batch interns "treat" the staff to mark their end of rotation, usually it is inuman or just plain dinner at the center.

this batch we almost got on the wrong foot, I got too OC in their reporting but in the end we're all fine.

what welcomed us

Monday, November 15, 2010


it was Manny Pacquiao day, and I finished watching it before the rest of the Philippines did on GMA 7, so while the whole country is watching Pacquiao-Margarito, me and Marie went to Muji, drived upto Bonifacio High Street to see what's in store

Monday, November 1, 2010

Physical Therapy : YOU CAN BE ME

there are lots of misconceptions about Physical Therapy, I am a licensed professional Physical Therapist here in the Philippines and sometimes it's stressful to explain your profession to dumb dumbs, so this is a video that summarizes it all. It's a very fulfilling profession because we don't give life, we let people live.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Romulo Cafe

Marie and I had dinner at Romulo's right after  the TGTE, we planned to eat here the Friday before this Sunday, however it was effin late at night and it was closed already, I've heard lots of rave reviews about this cafe and hadn't had the chance of actually eating there so I wanted to see if it's worth trying.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thomasian Global Trade Expo

I received a text from Louise Malabanan regarding this event however it was like 2 weeks before the event! and before I knew it boom it was already tomorrow. so yuh I rushed to the event. It was the reunion of the Thomasian Student Leaders.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Abe : Where Good Friends Dine

FOOD! this is a long delayed post (I don't want to blog food because I was doing a 5-day crap)  hahahaha! this all happened last week, I was at Padre Pio church (I was praying for something and still hoping I will get it) when my phone started ringing, uh oh! lagot! then everyone stared at me, thank God it was during communion, and the mass was almost over, it was a bored person in the name of Marie Bunagan, so who am I to resist? so I hauled my carcass from Eastwood to guess where? Trinoma! we are going to watch Bangkok Haunted 3 that day, but chose to eat first. so our feet dragged us to Abe (Ah-Bhe), and as the sign says it's Where Good Friends Dine