Tuesday, October 12, 2010


sorry for the lack of update, as I am looking for a day job, if I earned money through blogging I'll do it full time. I also had the lack of energy because of a shitty fucktard moment yesterday, and a new regimen I'm trying to do.

I was walking aimlessly today because probably I'm sort of depressed, so my feet brought me to the nearest mall in my hood, Trinoma. walk walk walk, and I found myself inside True Value, a store that I loved when its only branch was back at Shang-Rila Plaza, walking more and more I found another store situated inside True Value, Saizen. 

going inside it's like a wasteland of everything PHP 85, upon doing research (yes I do research), I found out that Saizen is the ORIGINAL store from Daiso (not the Japan Home Center : Daiso) which is the 2 S$ store that I loved (my cousins loved it too) way back in Singapore. You can find inside lots of stuff from kitchenware to hardware, they almost got it all (maybe!

the store in Trinoma I can say is just suitable, not too big nor too small. Japanese version of Jingle Bells was playing, I started to cringe because of the song, then I started to roam around inside and found some interesting stuff, some of them useful, some of them amazed me, some of them WTF do we need it for?

so let's start with the stuff that I find cool. first they have food that the SA told me were imported from Japan (uhmmmm malamang)

I have no idea what these are, i think they are crackers or crispies

ramen, ramen, ramen of every flavor

aside from food they also have sauces for Japanese food that I think you won't find in the normal grocery. so if you're eating Japanese and wonder where to find the sauces, you might just find one at Saizen. I was most amazed that they have Tonkatsu sauce!

they have this cute water bottles that is shaped like a gasoline gallon, cool

I'm over my bonnet stage because everyone's sort of wearing it already so bummer, 85 bucks for a knit that's cheap!

Detox pads! I hoarded these way back then! hahaha! it works! seriously! hahaha! you put it under your feet at night! (will demo on another post)

random stuff

plush animals
jigsaw puzzles


luggage tags (cute!!!)
all sorts and shapes of sponges in the world

eco bags, wallets, purses

Team Manila?
and some stuff that I find odd...
who needs a frog mouth?

nor a dog mouth?

they say it's a palm massager i say it's something else

cheap alternative to those Titanium bands

OVERSIZED Banana holder, and who needs a Banana holder anyways?

a Banana cutter? seriously? how lazy can you be people!

i double triple checked it's wood

seriously Dogs are people too? should't you be scared?

self explanatory, this I don't really get!
and the COOLEST thing I've found inside...

yes SUSHI ROLL MOLD in every shape and size, now I can do Sushi at home, just the way I like it! 

and oh by the way they also have protection

regarding the quality, let's just say don't ask for the moon,but you'll get your money's worth (and probably more).

Level 1 (Inside True Value), TriNoma Mall, Quezon City
(02) 901 3095


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